Hi all! The deadline for accepting new participants (owners of masternodes worth 100,000 XCC https://chivescoin.org/2023/11/14/lottery-with-a-prize-fund-of-1000000-xcc/) has already expired, since the block height at the current time is already 4,099,922.
The list of participants turned out to be quite large! A total of 68 participants 🔥 will participate in the drawing of 1,000,000 XCC coins.
The winner selection algorithm will be as follows:The height of 4105000 is announced in advance, from which we begin to compare the hash heights and launcher_id of the masternodes; those who have 4 matches move on to the next round.The height of the 2nd round is determined in advance. Starting height + 100 and so on +100
For example:
Round: 1 Height: 4100000
Round: 2 Height: 4100100
Round: 3 Height: 4100200…
If there are no matches among the remaining participants in a round, then that round is ignored.
We will be holding the 1st round of the drawing soon. Wait 🙂 🕐
Follow the rounds on our social networks:
Telegram: https://t.me/ChivesOfficial & https://t.me/chives_network
Discord: https://discord.gg/kHUyTBgQ6P